
Boobs4Food SF

May 2017 – San Francisco

Boobs4Food SF Take Streets of San Francisco

Location:  Modernist, Steuart b/t Mission & Howard., San Francisco, CA 94112

Date:  Saturday May 7, 2017

Time: 10:00an – 1:00pm

RSVP: Volunteers will be taken on first come basis.

We will help feed the streets of San Francisco armed with nourishing lunch bags, hyiene kits & Philz Coffee.

Duties include packing hygiene kits, assembling lunch bags, handwrite notes, lifting, pass out lunch

Please dress in layers, as SF weather is unpredictable!

July 2017 – San Francisco

Boobs4Food SF Take Streets of SF

Location: TBD, San Francisco

Date:  Saturday July 8th, 2017

Time: 9:00- 10:30sm Pack/10:30am-12:00pm distribut

We are back in the kitchen to help prep lunch for Glide’s daily Free Meal program!

more details to come…..

Boobs4Food LA

June 2017 – Los Angeles

Boobs4Food LA @ Taste of the Nation Los Angeles

Location: Media Park, 9070 Venice Blvd. Culver City

Date:  Sunday, June 11 2017

Time: TBD

RSVP:  Spaces are limited.

more details to come

Boobs4Food manning the Fun for a Cause game area at TOTNLA 2010.

Boobs4Food manning the Fun for a Cause game area at TOTNLA 2010.

This is one of our highly anticipated volunteer events each year! 2016 marks the EIGHTH  year we are volunteering at TOTNLA, an important culinary event benefitting No Kid Hungry.

Duties: event set up/breakdown, booth duty, parking attendants, etc.


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