Loving your Community is more than honoring the 4th of July

As Boobs4Food embarks on a mid-year vacation to Hawaii, our favorite detox’n’grub locale for rest and relaxation, we’re honoring volunteerism as our mid-year passion in progress theme. In honor of last month, April, being National Volunteer Month, and our return to Hawaii to vacation and to volunteer again, our upcoming trip this week is a [...]

Boobs4Food On The Road: “ALOHA” at the Hawaii Food Bank

Boobs4Food keeps the hunger fighting movement alive even while on holiday in Hawaii…
Less than 72 hours before our trip to Oahu – Team Boobs4Food decided to re-contact Hawaii Food Bank to see if they were open to having us lend a helping hand. Since our greater goal here at Boobs4Food is to bring hunger [...]

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